Conferences Editions
56th International Conference: Futura Colloquia
Venerdì 9 e Sabato 10 Giugno 2023
Borgo Glazel, Piancogno (Brescia, Italy) 9.00
Futura Colloquia, Economia per l'ambiente - Un’economia sostenibile in uno scenario globale complesso
Michael Spence
Nobel Laureate in Economics
Robert Wescott
Former advisor to US President Clinton, Keybridge Research
Phoebe Koundouri
Athens University of Economics & Business
Giuseppe Pasini
President Feralpi
Carlo Benetti
Market Specialist GAM Investimenti
Mario Baldassarri
Senatore della Repubblica
Guido Guidesi
Lombardy Region Economic Development Assessor
Irene Tinagli
Chair of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
On the 9th and 10th of June 2023 the I.S.E.O. Institute organized the 1st edition of the “Futura Colloquia” project, an initiative promoted and co-financed jointly with the Camera di Commercio di Brescia to offer the entrepreneurial and economic sector of the province of Brescia a discussion on the major themes of the world economy, adapted to local needs. The event – which was mainly focused on sustainable economics – aimed to provide a useful approach to the contents of the Futura Expo event, scheduled to take place in October 2023 at the Fiera di Brescia.
Two days of conferences held at Borgo Glazel, in Val Camonica, turned out to be a huge success, both of them boasted a sold out crowd, made of an audience of entrepreneurs especially from the local area.
The panel of the speakers was made of internationally recognised economic experts, who choose to interact with local entepreneurs: Phoebe Koundouri (Athens University of Economics & Business) and Giuseppe Pasini (President of Feralpi) moderated by Massimiliano Del Barba (journalist of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera); Carlo Benetti (Market Specialist GAM Investiments) who dialogued with Sabrina Manfroi (Rai); Michael Spence (Nobel Laureates in Economics 2001) and Mario Baldassarri (economist and politician); Robert Wescott (President Keybridge Reasearch) talking with Eugenio Occorsio (La Repubblica); Guido Guidesi (Lombardy Region Economic Development Assessor); Irene Tinagli (Chair of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee).
Here below you can download the full program event.
The conference has been promoted with the support of several sponsors. The I.S.E.O. Institute is very grateful and really appreciates all the sponsors who are listed in the image here below.
Iniziativa cofinanziata e patrocinata dalla Camera di Commercio di Brescia
On the 9th and 10th of June 2023 the I.S.E.O. Institute organized the 1st edition of the “Futura Colloquia” project, an initiative promoted and co-financed jointly with the Camera di Commercio di Brescia to offer the entrepreneurial and economic sector of the province of Brescia a discussion on the major themes of the world economy, adapted to local needs. The event – which was mainly focused on sustainable economics – aimed to provide a useful approach to the contents of the Futura Expo event, scheduled to take place in October 2023 at the Fiera di Brescia.
Two days of conferences held at Borgo Glazel, in Val Camonica, turned out to be a huge success, both of them boasted a sold out crowd, made of an audience of entrepreneurs especially from the local area.
The panel of the speakers was made of internationally recognised economic experts, who choose to interact with local entepreneurs: Phoebe Koundouri (Athens University of Economics & Business) and Giuseppe Pasini (President of Feralpi) moderated by Massimiliano Del Barba (journalist of the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera); Carlo Benetti (Market Specialist GAM Investiments) who dialogued with Sabrina Manfroi (Rai); Michael Spence (Nobel Laureates in Economics 2001) and Mario Baldassarri (economist and politician); Robert Wescott (President Keybridge Reasearch) talking with Eugenio Occorsio (La Repubblica); Guido Guidesi (Lombardy Region Economic Development Assessor); Irene Tinagli (Chair of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee).
Here below you can download the full program event.
The conference has been promoted with the support of several sponsors. The I.S.E.O. Institute is very grateful and really appreciates all the sponsors who are listed in the image here below.
Iniziativa cofinanziata e patrocinata dalla Camera di Commercio di Brescia
Downloadable documents
Program (ITA)