58th International Conference

21 June 2024

Università degli Studi di Brescia, Contrada Santa Chiara

Investing in Education - Investire in Educazione, sì ma come?


Joshua Angrist

Nobel Laureate in Economics


Margherita Fort

University of Bologna


The I.S.E.O. Institute is pleased to promote, in partnership with the University of Brescia, its 58th International Conference of Studies. The meeting will be open to all the public and it will be focused on the economics of education and how to invest in education, with the two speakers focusing on the main factors which should influence families, communities and politicians when deciding how to invest in children’s education.

The keynote speaker will be Joshua Angrist (2021 Nobel Prize in Economics, professor at MIT in Boston), alongside with professor Margherita Fort (University of Bologna) and Enrico Minelli (University of Brescia).

Joshua Angrist and his collaborators develop and study innovative ways to harness the power of natural experiments to answer important economic questions. These new econometric tools help social scientists and policy-makers discover the causal effects of individual choices and government policy changes. In dozens of empirical studies, Angrist explores the economics of education and school reform; the impact of social programs on the labor market; and the labor market effects of immigration, regulation, and economic institutions.

Margherita Fort’s research deals mainly with applied micro-econometrics, specifically assessing the effects of public policies, with applications mainly in the field of the education economics and labour economics. In the recent years, her research is specifically focussing on the evidence-based investments in young children and their families.


The public meeting will take place on Friday, June 21 from 9.30 to 11.15 am at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Brescia: the conference room is Aula Magna Santa Chiara, Contrada Santa Chiara 50, Brescia.

The invitation to the conference (in Italian), including the program, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Translation from English to Italian will be available using a web app. We do encourage attendees to carry their own headphones.


Participation to the conference is free of charge. However, delegates shall register using the form at the bottom of this page


The I.S.E.O. Institute is pleased to promote, in partnership with the University of Brescia, its 58th International Conference of Studies. The meeting will be open to all the public and it will be focused on the economics of education and how to invest in education, with the two speakers focusing on the main factors which should influence families, communities and politicians when deciding how to invest in children’s education.

The keynote speaker will be Joshua Angrist (2021 Nobel Prize in Economics, professor at MIT in Boston), alongside with professor Margherita Fort (University of Bologna) and Enrico Minelli (University of Brescia).

Joshua Angrist and his collaborators develop and study innovative ways to harness the power of natural experiments to answer important economic questions. These new econometric tools help social scientists and policy-makers discover the causal effects of individual choices and government policy changes. In dozens of empirical studies, Angrist explores the economics of education and school reform; the impact of social programs on the labor market; and the labor market effects of immigration, regulation, and economic institutions.

Margherita Fort’s research deals mainly with applied micro-econometrics, specifically assessing the effects of public policies, with applications mainly in the field of the education economics and labour economics. In the recent years, her research is specifically focussing on the evidence-based investments in young children and their families.


The public meeting will take place on Friday, June 21 from 9.30 to 11.15 am at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Brescia: the conference room is Aula Magna Santa Chiara, Contrada Santa Chiara 50, Brescia.

The invitation to the conference (in Italian), including the program, can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Translation from English to Italian will be available using a web app. We do encourage attendees to carry their own headphones.


Participation to the conference is free of charge. However, delegates shall register using the form at the bottom of this page

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